I think I've proven by this point that I love computers for their entertainment value. I just like messing around with them and have for years now. Right now I have five computers in my house--my screaming fast desktop PC with 2 gigs of RAM and two hard drives; my husband's PC which I have to maintain; my iBook, because it's fun to have an Apple computer to play with, too; my Palm Lifedrive PDA which comes in handy on trips because I can check email and take chapters of my book to work on; and my very first computer up in the attic--a Kaypro I with a 9" screen and two 5 1/4" floppy drives which I bought in the eighties and hang on to for sentimental reasons. Oh, I forgot one--I also have a dead Dell laptop which I haven't discarded yet. I hated that one because it never worked right. That makes 6. And, of course, there's my not so secret affair with my new work computer.
Although I do have a Second Life account and a sexy Second Life avatar which I've flown across the virtual 3-D Linden landscape, mostly I enjoy rather simple games. I play email
Scrabble with friends and enjoy a Scrabble-like on-line game called
Babble where you try to make as many words as you can by linking letters in a daily generated grid.
In England Scrabble is very big.
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