Friday, October 5, 2007

#13 Lucky or Not?

Well, Summer ended and the work began to pile up so it's been longer than I like, but here I am again. Just startling to look at
OK, number one--how do I pronounce that?
Do I want all my book marks made public? Do I want to stalk and be stalked. Do people tag their favorite porn sites?
Okay, I'm back. That didn't take long, did it? If you exist in virtual space that is.
Anyway, I set up a account and put the link at the bottom of the right hand column over there. I spelled "anomaly" wrong in my user name--oh, well, the real spelling was probably taken anyway. the last time I used it I had to use the spelling "Annomaly".
Now I need to add and tag more stuff.
Even later--
I like being able to add buttons to Firefox so I can quickly see my account or add a site. I chose the version of the Firefox add on that didn't automatically upload and reorganize all my local bookmarks. I put the buttons on both my home computers, too. I can still upload my personal bookmarks when I'm ready. I've just found out that you can make bookmarks private if you want. Whew! I don't want total strangers to have a complete profile of my personal life. I may use more in that case. It will prove handy for sharing bookmarks between all the computers I use.
Libraries could use this for sharing useful bookmark sets at a branch or through a whole system without having to load bookmark files on every computer. Cool!

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